Lawns for You

A guide to lawn care, lawn mowing and creating the perfect green lawn.

Month: February 2019

Bowling GreensFine TurfLawn EnvironmentLawn MaintenanceTroubleshooting & Restoration

Why does water cause problems. Wet weather and turf maintenance are not good bedfellows, as anyone involved in the industry, particularly over the past few Summers, can testify. When more rain is falling than the drainage capacity can cope with,…

Lawn Care Q&A

Question: What Grass Seed should I Use for a Gravelly Surface? I come from Southern Cornwall and my front garden has pretty decent grass, but my back garden essentially just looks like gravel. I’m thinking about getting some tall fescue…

Artificial GrassConstructing a New LawnFeatured

Trying to decide between real grass and artificial grass can sometimes be a tricky decision. Whether you’ve just bought your first home or are finally ready to improve upon the one you’ve had for years, your lawn is a huge…

Constructing a New LawnFeaturedTroubleshooting & Restoration

Shade is the sworn enemy of the keen grass grower. Like the majority of plant life on our planet, grass needs light, and finding a good grass for shade is a tricky business. Shady areas on your lawn represent spots…

Lawn Care Q&A

We recently had a question from a regular reader which we thought was worth sharing in a Q&A. It concerns the common lawn care concerns of moss and clover. Lawn Care Question: My lawn’s made huge improvements this year –…